{"id":32,"date":"2005-09-05T11:29:52","date_gmt":"2005-09-05T11:29:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.strangelyironic.net\/2020\/08\/25\/tuesday-night-games-postponed-this-week\/"},"modified":"2020-09-16T22:43:54","modified_gmt":"2020-09-16T12:43:54","slug":"tuesday-night-games-postponed-this-week","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.strangelyironic.net\/tuesday-night-games-postponed-this-week\/","title":{"rendered":"Tuesday Night Games – POSTPONED THIS WEEK"},"content":{"rendered":"
[color=red”>CONGRATULATIONS to the team Sorrison, Spunkie, Telamar, Razkal & Aitan<\/strong>[\/color”> Winner of the group [color=green”>SI Deathmatch![\/color”><\/p>\n And another round of [color=red”>CONGRATULATIONS to Telamar<\/strong>[\/color”> Winner of the individual fight of [color=green”>SI Deathmatch![\/color”><\/p>\n [align=center”> For those of you who missed it, it was a great night. The first round being a free for all, with the last 3 men standing: Knightswift, Tateus and Telamar. <\/p>\n Then we all grouped together, for Group v Group deathmatch, and had a bit of fun with Scions from the Horde side.<\/p>\n This week’s Tuesday Night Games have been postponed due to visiting parents, and the flu, however next week, the Tuesday Night Games will continue.<\/p>\n [color=maroon”>Next Tuesday Night Games<\/strong>[\/color”><\/p>\n Date: 13\/09\/2005 [color=green”>Event: Scavenger Hunt<\/strong>[\/color”> You will be given a list of items to procure throughout the realm. The first person\/group to give this list of items to the Game Leader in Darnassus will win.<\/p>\n Everyone who procures the list of items will get a Lucky Door Prize. (Disclaimer: This event will also help the guild obtain some much needed items.)<\/p>\n —— [color=red”>CONGRATULATIONS to the team Sorrison, Spunkie, Telamar, Razkal & Aitan[\/color”> Winner of the group [color=green”>SI Deathmatch![\/color”> And another round of [color=red”>CONGRATULATIONS to Telamar[\/color”> Winner of the individual fight of [color=green”>SI Deathmatch![\/color”> [align=center”> For those of you who missed it, it was a great night. The first round being a free for all, with the last … <\/p>\n <\/p>\n
\nTime: 8pm AUST EST \/ 3am Server Time
\nPrize: 5g & a Lucky Door Prize<\/p>\n
\nEvery level is welcome to attend our SI Scavenger Hunt. You can enter as a team or individually for this Scavenger Hunt.<\/p>\n
\nIf you have a suggestion for the Tuesday Night Games, please mail Hallie in game.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"